Interested in joining?
Prospective Students: If you are interested in joining the Polar Geophysical Simulation Lab (PGSL), please email me and include the following information: your research interests, a resume/CV, the type of position you are seeking (e.g., Master's, Ph.D., or Postdoc), and, if available, a writing sample (paper, poster, or class lab report).
High School & Undergraduates: If you're a high school or undergraduate student with a passion for Earth sciences and a curiosity about our changing polar regions, we'd love to hear from you! Whether you're looking for in-person or remote research projects, or summer internships, we're eager to discuss how we can tailor an experience to your interests and skills. Email us anytime!
General Inquiries
Prof. Winnie Chu Office: Ford ES&T, Room 3240PGSL Location
Ford Earth & Technology Building
Lab Room 3175
311 Ferst Dr NW
Georgia, GA 30332